The Real Estate Valuation Model in Mexico
Valuation is the action or effect of valuing, in turn, means valuing, understood this as the recognition or appreciation of the value of something. There are different types of valuation, among others, real estate, which determines the value of a property by analyzing the tangible and intangible elements. However, determining the value of a property it is typically obtained from the value of the exchange rate, where the transactional-purchasing and psychological-hedonistic conception with shortages stands as determinants elements. In this case, the real estate valuation is based on the insufficiency of the well and is a determining element in the supply and demand. In Mexico the Federal Mortgage Society and INDAABIN rule valuation services. The first one to private property and the second one for wells of the nation. The rules of both instances are characterized by impulse the process by applying approaches of: market, physical or residual. In addition, the type of requested documentation, which is oriented to the legal possession of the property Therefore we can state that the process of real estate valuation in Mexico favors comparative market approach, where the value of property is determined according to the relationship between the demand that exists of a well in the market and the amount thereof which is offered. Therefore, the real estate valuation presents an important remoteness to the conceptualization of the term and analytical weaknesses regarding multidisciplinary phenomena.
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