Evaluation of teaching performance by students of a public university in northwest Mexico: descriptive and comparative analyzes

  • Patricio Henríquez Ritchie Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
  • Juan Carlos Pérez Morán Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
  • Sofía Contreras Roldán Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
  • Carlos Javier del Cid Universidad Autónoma de Baja California


The FCAyS of UABC (Mexico) implements the evaluation of teaching performance every semester from the opinion of the students through the application of the Teaching Performance Evaluation Scale (EEDDocente), which is made up of three subscales: i) planning and organization of teaching, ii) quality of teaching and iii) evaluation and feedback of learning. This article reports the results for the period 2023-1. The objective is to analize teaching performance from the perspective of the FCAyS students of the UABC based on personal variables (sex, age) and academic variables (areas of knowledge and stages of training). A quantitative study with descriptive and comparative scope was carried out, based on parametric inferential statistical analyzes (t-student for independent samples, ANOVA). The results show that the variables sex, age and areas of knowledge significantly impact the students' opinions regarding the performance of their teachers. The comparisons made showed significant differences (95% confidence) in favor of the opinion of men, students of the oldest quartile (Q3), who were in the final stage of their studies and those in the area of ​​knowledge of legal sciences. However, these results should be interpreted with caution and considered as a starting point that encourages the conduct of other research focused on the analysis and evaluation of teaching performance at the higher education level, covering other areas of knowledge and diversifying the study perspectives, so that other educational agents (teachers, managers, external experts) and other methodological approaches (self-assessment, co-assessment, external hetero-assessment).


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How to Cite
Henríquez Ritchie, P., Pérez Morán, J. C., Contreras Roldán, S., & Javier del Cid, C. (2024). Evaluation of teaching performance by students of a public university in northwest Mexico: descriptive and comparative analyzes. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 15(29). https://doi.org/10.23913/ride.v15i29.2100
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