Academic Performance, Brain Activity and Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
University academic performance depends on the functioning of neurons, and rTMS is a newly emerging tool that modifies neural function. The study aimed to identify the relationship between rTMS and academic average. With informed consent obtained for convenience, rTMS was applied to a group of 6 participants. qEEG was recorded at the end of 10 sessions of 40 minutes, with three-second pulsed trains of stimulation followed by one second of rest, a frequency of 100 Hz, and an intensity of six Gauss, in a resting state with eyes closed, using a 10-centimeter coil on the midline anterior to the midpoint of nasion and vertex. The results showed a Cronbach's alpha of 0.863; the initial academic average in the studied group (8.03) and final (8.55) showed a Student's t of -3.253 and p=0.023; EEG and academic average showed Pearson correlation in: T5HzDB in All Range r= -0.824 with p=0.044, T5HzDB in the Delta range r=-0.825 and p=0.045, and F3HzDB in the Theta frequency r=0.859 and p=0.028. Concluding that the application of rTMS modifies neural function, improving academic average.
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