Bullying: Description from the ecological perspective and the Sustainable Development Goals
The study of bullying is crucial in the social context due to its impact on the psychological and emotional well-being of victims, aggressors and dual roles (victim/aggressor) as well as on the school climate. Therefore, this essay aims to describe bullying, highlighting the need to study it from an ecological perspective to identify risk and protection factors that favor attention strategies to eradicate it, which will contribute to the fulfillment of the fourth goal of the UNESCO 2030 Agenda, which seeks to guarantee inclusive education. equitable and quality, promoting learning opportunities for all, regardless of origin, gender, or condition. The essay offers a recent review of expert research, through which the scientific consensus for its translation into Spanish will be identified, the differentiation with school violence, the characterization of students who participate as victims, bullies, dual roles or those who do not engage in bullying, identifying the importance of studying it from an ecological perspective. It is concluded that the eradication of bullying will contribute to the creation of fairer societies, fostering a culture of respect, empathy and tolerance, fundamental values for social progress.
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