Analysis of tax culture based on its main influencing factors: a bibliometric study
Tax culture is an emerging concept that is being addressed by the university and the market, it is relevant to understand its scope and importance that contribute to business development, in addition to proposing government measures against tax fraud that contribute to the economic growth of such a country. the case of Latin American countries that suffer the consequences of the lack of fiscal culture among their inhabitants. The objective of this research is to carry out a bibliometric analysis of the Elsevier Scopus database on the concept of tax culture that allows theoretical discussion around its main influencing factors. 76 scientific documents were analyzed, extracted from the Elsevier Scopus database on tax culture, for which a quantitative and descriptive bibliometric analysis was carried out. The results show that the concept of fiscal culture is a variable that has been little explored by the scientific community, and it is concluded that among its main influencing factors are civic culture, values, academic training, training and contract. fiscal responsibility assumed between the government and citizens, in addition to the fact that it is the primary task of every country to generate effective inspection mechanisms through the joint effort between the University, the tax authorities and the productive sector, which contribute to eradicating tax evasion.
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