UML: A way to represent, interpret, analyze and develop computational thinking

  • María del Rocío Ramírez Jiménez Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Karime Pulido Hernández Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Carmen Elizabeth Rivera Orozco Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Norma Alicia Gómez Torres Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Liliana Serrano Zúñiga Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Luis Mexitli Orozco Torres Universidad de Guadalajara


UML language (Unified Modeling Language) is a powerful tool that provides important benefits to higher education students to develop computational thinking and acquire a greater ability to propose and represent the solution to a project or a problem. of any kind, whether computer science, business, industrial, or educational, among others, through different types of diagrams that can be interpreted by anyone even if they are not familiar with the technical aspects of computing. UML is an international visual modeling standard used by software system developers to maintain constant and effective communication with the actors involved (analysts, developers, or end users). With such diagrams, data models are proposed that allow them to achieve the stated objectives, cover the specified requirements, and obtain a competitive advantage, especially if it begins with a project focused on robust software programs designed to support a huge infrastructure, especially. The present work proposes that the same computer principles can be applied to various problems and scenarios so that computational thinking can be developed in any person to achieve greater ease in expressing the solution to a situation determined.


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How to Cite
Ramírez Jiménez, M. del R., Pulido Hernández, K., Rivera Orozco, C. E., Gómez Torres, N. A., Serrano Zúñiga, L., & Orozco Torres, L. M. (2024). UML: A way to represent, interpret, analyze and develop computational thinking. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 15(29).
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