The association of sexting and cyber aggression in adolescents schooled

  • Lubia del Carmen Castillo-Arcos Universidad Autónoma del Carmen
  • Juan Yovani Telumbre-Terrero Universidad Autónoma del Carmen
  • Pedro Moisés Noh-Moo Universidad Autónoma del Carmen
  • Lucely Maas-Góngora Universidad Autónoma del Carmen
  • Berenice Juan-Martínez Universidad del Papaloapan


Despite all the opportunities provided by technologies and the internet through virtual spaces such as social networks, they encourage and convey new forms of behavior that sometimes represent the development of risk behaviors among adolescents such as sexting and cyber aggression. The objective was to determine the association between the use of sexting and cyberaggression in school adolescents. Non-experimental quantitative descriptive correlational study, conducted in 191 students of a public high school through simple random sampling. A sociodemographic data sheet and two measurement instruments were used: the adolescent sexting behavior scale and the cyberaggression scale. More than half of the sample was female. On average, the adolescents scored 12.6 points on the sexting scale, while on the cyberaggression scale they scored 10.3 points. In addition, a positive and significant relationship was obtained between sexting and cyberaggression (rs=.423, p=.001). It is necessary that health professionals and other professionals work in a coordinated manner in the identification of these risk factors, as well as designing preventive programs that involve the prevention of these behaviors and strengthen the management of cybersecurity in virtual spaces where adolescents interact.


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How to Cite
Castillo-Arcos, L. del C., Telumbre-Terrero, J. Y., Noh-Moo, P. M., Maas-Góngora, L., & Juan-Martínez, B. (2024). The association of sexting and cyber aggression in adolescents schooled. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 15(29).
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