Development of Scientific Skills in Preschool Using the Topic of the Laws of Motion Through an Inquiry-Based Didactic Sequence
This study analyzes the development of scientific thinking skills in preschool children through the implementation of a didactic sequence based on the inquiry method, in alignment with the New Mexican School approach. Starting from the premise that preschool education should go beyond play, experimental activities focused on the laws of motion were designed to stimulate curiosity and critical reasoning from an early age. Additionally, a rubric was developed to assess skill development. The applied methodology was grounded in the theories of Piaget and Vygotsky, prioritizing meaningful and cooperative learning, as well as the teacher's mediation within the zone of proximal development. The didactic sequence included practical and contextualized activities that facilitated active interaction between children and scientific concepts. The results showed significant progress in the development of scientific skills, especially in hypothesis formulation and the ability to explain phenomena. Evaluation through rubrics allowed for quantifying students' progress by comparing the initial session with the final session, revealing a notable increase in these skills. These findings confirm that it is possible to foster scientific thinking at the preschool level through inquiry-based teaching strategies. The implementation of experimental and practical activities not only facilitates the understanding of scientific concepts but also contributes to the comprehensive development of children, promoting critical thinking and curiosity as foundations for future learning.
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