Fatigue and emotional regulation as predictors of academic engagement in university students
University students are prone to experience emotional fatigue, and the observation of regulation and commitment in the execution and assistance in their academic tasks is extremely important. The objective of the study was to analyze whether emotional fatigue and emotional regulation predict academic engagement in students from San Martín universities. The methodology corresponded to a quantitative approach, with a descriptive, correlational and explanatory design, with a sample of 76 university students between 18 and 56 years old enrolled in private universities and validated scales adapted to the context were used. The results show that there is a relevant relationship between fatigue and emotional regulation; however, no relationship was found between emotional fatigue and academic commitment, nor between emotional regulation and commitment. Likewise, a significant relationship was observed between emotional fatigue and suppression as a dimension of emotional fatigue; In addition, the multiple linear regression study showed that fatigue and regulation are not predictors of variability in academic engagement. These findings provide a foundation for future research that delves into the complex interactions between emotional fatigue, emotional regulation, and academic engagement, with the goal of improving satisfaction and achievement in college students.
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