Indicators of Differentiated Sustainable Human Development in the municipalities that make up the Tulancingo Valley
This work aims to identify the existing differences in the indicators of human development, poverty and marginalization, their dynamic interrelation and their probable relationship with the municipal functional capacities with which sustainable development and equal opportunities are operated in the municipalities that make up the Tulancingo Valley region. The study focuses on presenting the indicators that differentiate the progress made by each municipality on the indicated topics. For this purpose, theoretical references and reports on the sustainable development of the municipalities of the state of Hidalgo have been consulted. Methodologically, it is located within longitudinal mixed research of exploratory scope, using a causal comparative study technique and documentary analysis. Findings identify existing gaps between the different political demarcations considered and recognize the differentiated effects. Finally, an interrelationship is observed between human development, poverty and marginalization and a proposal is proposed that seeks that the actions to be developed in the municipalities focus on strengthening the areas of opportunity detected in Municipal Functional Capacities Index. The Municipal Functional Capacities Index, defined as a tool to measure the operability of municipalities in sustainable development, plays a key role in identifying areas of opportunity.
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