Interpretation of the well-being and quality of life of beneficiaries of the Young Building the Future program based on personological characteristics
The present research was conducted in the municipality of Othón P. Blanco, Quintana Roo, Mexico. The objective was to determine the personality characteristics of individuals who access the social program Jóvenes Construyendo el Futuro in Othón P. Blanco based on their interpretation of personal well-being and quality of life. It was considered that the importance of the variable being studied directly influenced their interpretation of reality and, consequently, their worldview. This can determine their quality of performance both individually and collectively, contributing to the improvement of living conditions and preventing undesirable behaviors such as violence, addiction, and criminal activities, which reflect marginalization and social inequality. The study was grounded in Sen’s Human Development model, Ul Haq's model of well-being, and Fromm's personality theory. It is based on a critical interpretivist epistemology that seeks to understand the subjective meaning of human experiences from a critical perspective, employing a phenomenological-hermeneutic paradigm and utilizing narrative autobiographical interviews with a life history approach. An intentional sampling by experience was carried out. The results indicate that well-being is perceived through social support; however, there are two perspectives: one with mercantilist beliefs under the view of having more if possible, and another under the belief in a benefactor policy to access what one cannot attain. In conclusion, social programs as public policies are effective in promoting equity and equal opportunities. However, they must be complemented with strategies that foster individual and social values to prevent practices of corruption and simulation, thereby contributing to strengthening a more just and sustainable society.
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