Transforming education: a comparison between apple vision pro and oculus quest 2 in educational technology teaching

  • Jesús Alberto García Rojas Tecnológico Nacional de México
  • Yessica García Hernández Tecnológico Nacional de México
  • María Dolores Martínez García Universidad Autonóma del Estado de Hidalgo


The study was conducted to understand how emerging technologies, such as Apple Vision Pro and Oculus Quest 2, can transform the teaching of educational technology. It aimed to answer questions about which of these two tools is more effective, accessible, and immersive in enhancing the educational process. To achieve this, a review of previous studies and a Likert-scale survey were conducted with educators and students, assessing effectiveness, ease of use, and accessibility. The results showed a marked preference for Oculus Quest 2: 88.0% of respondents considered it more effective in improving understanding of technological concepts, and 83.8% highlighted its immersive experience. Additionally, 82.8% rated it easier to integrate into the curriculum, and 88.2% found it more accessible to students with different skill levels. The conclusions suggest that Oculus Quest 2 is superior to Apple Vision Pro in the teaching of educational technology, providing educators with a more effective and accessible tool.



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How to Cite
García Rojas, J. A., García Hernández, Y., & Martínez García, M. D. (2025). Transforming education: a comparison between apple vision pro and oculus quest 2 in educational technology teaching. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 15(30).
Scientific articles