Inclusion of students with disabilities in the university environment
The Universidad Veracruzana (UV) is a public institution that offers 365 educatives programs of undergraduate and graduate educational programs, and since 2015, educational inclusion and respect for the human rights of people with disabilities are a priority, thats why is a national benchmark in inclusive processes, working in favor of the 9 groups of students that classifies the UV; the returning migrants single mothers, workers, students from marginalized areas, Afro descendants, indigenous people, women in the areas of science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics, and those with disabilities. The objective of this research was to identify the degree of inclusion promoted by the Faculty of Sciences and Techniques of Communication of the UV in favor of students with disabilities in the university educational environment It was approached qualitatively with a survey as a research technique, not seeking to analyze the frequency of values, but the empirical diversity of the characteristics of the participants, it was applied to 64 students enrolled in the period August 2023- January 2024, which allowed to identification of 18 students who indicated having a physical or psychosocial disability and the barriers they face to be included in this educational program, the lack of training of the teachers to provide adequate attention was recognized. This analysis highlights the need to implement comprehensive strategies to ensure the inclusion of students with disabilities, promoting equitable and accessible education.
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