Profiles of Digital Teaching Competence (CDD) of university professors by areas of knowledge
The digital transformation in Higher Education demands that university professors develop digital skills that allow them to innovate and adapt to current and future educational modalities. This article establishes the following objectives: to identify the profiles of Digital Teaching Competence (DTC) of university professors through the progression model by areas of knowledge and by competency area, to define the global DTC profile of university professors by area of expertise, and to identify the global DTC profile of university professors. The implemented method is quantitative, non-experimental in scope, cross-sectional, and descriptive. The technique for data collection was through the "DigCompEdu Check-in" Questionnaire. The study was applied to 1,107 college professors from different areas of knowledge at a University located in the northeast of Mexico. The results highlight that areas such as Health and Social Sciences, Administration, and Law are the areas of knowledge that possess the Innovative Profile. Concerning the global DTC profile, most of the teachers have the Leader Profile. In conclusion, teaching profiles must evolve, reinvent, and renew themselves to make way for the new characteristics that this digital era demands; it is time to modify the conventional teaching profile and move on to a digital teaching profile that can perform in any educational modality.
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