Gender and ADHD: Female Students in the Bachelor's Degree in Educational Inclusion

  • Juliette Murillo Vinay Benemérito Instituto Normal del Estado “Gral. Juan Crisóstomo Bonilla”
  • Luis Ricardo Ramos Hernández Benemérito Instituto Normal del Estado “Gral. Juan Crisóstomo Bonilla”


This study examined testimonies from a discussion group composed of students enrolled in the Bachelor’s Degree in Educational Inclusion (LIE) program who have a confirmed or probable Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) diagnosis. The objective was to analyze how they navigate the academic, social, and emotional challenges associated with their condition; emphasizing the gendered dimensions of symptom expression, and the accessibility of support resources within the context of higher education. The findings, while not generalizable, reveal the adoption of spontaneous strategies to manage ADHD within the participants’ contexts. Notably, the female students reported relying on a friend or trusted person to mediate interactions with their environment and engaging in secondary activities to maintain attention on primary tasks, for example, listening to a lecture. However, these strategies were occasionally misinterpreted as indiscipline or disruptive behavior, leading to negative perceptions from teachers, particularly when the ADHD diagnosis was disclosed. Based on these findings, it is concluded that understanding and promoting collective coping strategies among women with ADHD is essential. Such strategies, as exemplified by those developed through interactions in the discussion group and the establishment of an informal private WhatsApp group, proved highly effective. These spaces not only facilitated mutual support among participants but also provided a channel to alleviate the tension associated with the persistent masking of their condition.



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How to Cite
Murillo Vinay, J., & Ramos Hernández, L. R. (2025). Gender and ADHD: Female Students in the Bachelor’s Degree in Educational Inclusion. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 15(30).
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