Use of artificial intelligence in undergraduate students: question-based learning
This study examines the use of artificial intelligence among college students, focusing on benefits, challenges, and technological preferences. Using a quantitative approach, literature review, and a survey of 127 students at a private university in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, the study found that 99% of students use it, primarily two to three times a week. Motivation includes easy access, time savings, rapid information retrieval, and better understanding. Laptop computers (79%) and mobile phones (58%) are the preferred devices, with ChatGPT, Copilot, and Gemini being the most popular tools. Benefits include personalized learning, immediate feedback, and adaptability. However, challenges include unreliable information, complex explanations, accuracy issues, logical flaws, lack of customization, and missing citations. Despite these challenges, the study concludes that it improves undergraduate learning and recommends its incorporation as a complementary educational tool to enhance undergraduate learning outcomes. Possible practical implications: how to incorporate artificial intelligence as a tool in teaching plans?
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