Exploring Educational Approaches: Perspectives on Teaching in Virtual Learning Environments
This research compared the educational intervention at the Norte and Valles University Centers in the learning unit "Development of Learning Environment Processes" from the graduate program in Technologies for Learning. The study analyzed and compared students' perceptions of teaching Virtual Learning Environments at both centers through a mixed-methods approach with a descriptive design. The participants included 17 students, 12 from Norte and 5 from Valles, with data collected on 8 variables, allowing for the evaluation of course quality, teacher support, online sessions, and resources used. Data analysis was conducted using JASP software, employing descriptive and variance analysis to identify significant differences between responses and student satisfaction. The results indicated that students rated teacher support and resources positively; however, differences were identified in perceptions of online sessions and proposed activities between the two centers. This study provided a better understanding of educational dynamics and areas of opportunity to optimize teaching and enhance student satisfaction.
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