The essence of knowledge. The problem of the subject-object relationship and its implications for educational theory

  • José Nava Bedolla Instituto Superior de Ciencias de la Educación del Estado de México


Difficulty, inconvenience or disappointment on the relation subject/object of knowledge is an epistemological problem that may have more than one solution. This drawback can remedy or amended - with knowledge or ignorance of the fact - using different philosophical assumptions (Objectivism and subjectivism and dialectic). These assumptions, estimates or epistemological assumptions depend - in turn - of the faculty or faculties (reason or senses) which the Knower subject put into practice when it intends to meet certain phenomenon. The faculty or faculties (reason or senses) that the subject put in game, when he intends to discuss an object of study, will depend on or it depends, in turn, of the ontological interests of the researcher. These interests, assets or benefits concerning - in the field of ontological, existing or real - pretend to determine others (Objectivism), indeterminarlos (subjectivism) or negotiations between determinism and indeterminism (dialectic) of each other and we same. In the field of education, it is possible to observe - derived as set forth in the preceding paragraphs - explorations, descriptions, explanations, interpretations or understandings of phenomena, events or educational events are determined by real, ontological or existing interests of subjects who develop them. As a result of this fact, the theories of education (behavioral, psychoanalytic, humanist, cognitivist, notice, socio-cultural, etc.) to promote different and contradictory about the phenomena, made speeches, events or events education. In this sense, you can see that this obeys the complexity of the educational phenomenon and that because this is a political issue because it reflects different and contradictory interests.


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How to Cite
Nava Bedolla, J. (2017). The essence of knowledge. The problem of the subject-object relationship and its implications for educational theory. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 8(15), 25 - 57.
Scientific articles