The construction of the right to cultureThe appreciation of pictorial art for the visually impaired

  • Jorge Eduardo Zarur Cortés Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México


People with visual disabilities are the bearers of rights enjoyed by all people and are part of human rights as a guarantee of inalienability. The integration of people with disabilities into the enjoyment of various artistic manifestations such as the pictorial ones, is part of the rights of all people, understood as well as inherent in it. Currently, Mexican legislation establishes a series of actions that guarantee the accessibility of people with visual disabilities to all cultural activities that are an important part of the integral development of every human being. With the establishment of pertinent regulations to enable people with disabilities to access leisure time as part of leisure, haptic and hearing proposals were designed. From the process of a qualitative research was generated information that made it possible to obtain observations around a) The level of ability to draw each participant. The characterization of the image from the auditory material and the haptic material is emphasized; b) the degree of knowledge or cultural level, which is related to the fact that some participants knew the image of the original picture of the Mona Lisa; which allowed them to understand with greater ease and speed the oral description and, later, the haptic material of the person represented. They listened to the description, touched the picture and drew, representing meaningful experiences. c) the type of blindness, this was an important factor that made it possible to detail that the blind people acquired, developed graphic representations different from the blind people congenital. Therefore, the lines carried out by people with congenital blindness allow us to elucidate in this phase of tests, from Arnheim's point of view, that the strokes come from associations established from the touch in motion. On the other hand, it is important to mention that with the dynamics of work, the fact that several of the participants were able to carry out changes in the traced image was shown as a relevant fact, an aspect that became apparent when comparing the drawings developed after hearing the description and drawings made after touching the haptic material.


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How to Cite
Zarur Cortés, J. E. (2017). The construction of the right to cultureThe appreciation of pictorial art for the visually impaired. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 8(15), 474 - 504.
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