Housing and Education: Factors Associated to the Process of Evaluation of Students in a Vulnerable Situation in the Otomí-Tepehua Región, Hidalgo

  • Raymundo Lozano Rosales Universidad Politécnica de Tulancingo
  • Amparo Nidia Castillo Santos Universidad Politécnica de Tulancingo
  • Luz María Vega Sosa Universidad Politécnica de Tulancingo
  • Marco Antonio Escamilla Vital Universidad Politécnica de Tulancingo


The aim of this research is to investigate the impact of the dimensions of housing and education as determinants in the educational achievement of upper middle-level students in the Otomí-Tepehua area, developing under a mixed methodology through the paradigm of pragmatism that seeks and treats with contradictory ideas of the tacit reality of phenomena, concentrating on knowing “what works” based on the research question. The type of research will be of triangulation design that seeks to use the strength of both methodological approaches, showing as results the description of the factors indicated in the dimensions of institution, students and parents from a perspective of Symbolic Interactionism where it is described as key factors of housing and education in the reprobation in the students where the remoteness of the populations and the housing conditions are related to each other in a personal isolation and in a distraction of the school attendance when trying to solve familiar and labor problems, at the same time that the education of the family plays a very important role since it puts into play the possession of goods in the short term against the benefits offered by studying a university career in the long term.


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How to Cite
Lozano Rosales, R., Castillo Santos, A. N., Vega Sosa, L. M., & Escamilla Vital, M. A. (2018). Housing and Education: Factors Associated to the Process of Evaluation of Students in a Vulnerable Situation in the Otomí-Tepehua Región, Hidalgo. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 8(15), 975 - 989. https://doi.org/10.23913/ride.v8i15.332
Scientific articles