Teaching work mediated with Information and Communication Technologies in Telesecundaria. Social representations of teachers


The purpose of this article is to expose the social representations (RS) of the teaching work mediated by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) of professors of a Mexican telesecundaria. The premise guiding the argument argues that the incorporation of ICT in telesecundaria is a random and gradual process that teachers spontaneously undertake and construct in their daily teaching work. It is an interpretative study, whose theoretical methodological approach recovers the approaches of the theory of social representations to deepen in the meaning, in the meaning attributed by teachers to the use of ICT as an artifact of mediation in teaching; In order to get closer to the knowledge of the RS, the in-depth interview, a digital skills questionnaire and the documentary analysis were used. The findings show that teachers represent ICT-mediated teaching as an individual, voluntary and unplanned process that depends on the level of training achieved by each of them. Educators do not show significant resistance to the use of ICT, rather, they are interested in incorporating them; However, there are factors associated with training, training and working conditions, which limit the use of specialized educational software for teaching.


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How to Cite
Ayala Sánchez, F. (2018). Teaching work mediated with Information and Communication Technologies in Telesecundaria. Social representations of teachers. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 8(16), 557 - 579. https://doi.org/10.23913/ride.v8i16.358
Scientific articles