Creation art processes for the resignification of identity: a psychoanalytic approach


This text shows some theoretical conceptualizations about creation art processes and it relationships with the configuration of identity. For this, the doctoral thesis of Aguilar (2016), entitled Creative Processes and Subjective Transformations. The resignification of identity through directed artistic experience, has been taken as reference, which aimed to make known, through the psychoanalytic tradition, the function performed by the processes of creation in art in the configuration of itself from their respective analyzes and relationships. In this sense, the methodological criteria for realize this research consisted in investigating through logical deduction, in the fields of psychology, some art studies and artistic education those elements that specifically account for these human phenomena and that could relate to each other. In this way, it was deduced that the psychoanalytic paradigm offers the possibility of understanding, explaining and articulating both human and artistic processes. In particular, the strategy employed consisted in exhaustively reviewing the bibliography of Freud, Lacan, Laplanche and Pontalis, who contributed multiple theoretical-methodological elements for the understanding of human processes related, for example, with the formation of identity and creation, defined in terms of sublimation phenomena. Through this analysis, in summary, it was determined that both share the same guidelines, so it is possible to recommend a practice of the artistic experience as an intervention proposal to resignify the identity.


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How to Cite
Aguilar Salmerón, G. de la C. (2018). Creation art processes for the resignification of identity: a psychoanalytic approach. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 9(18), 1 - 25.
Scientific articles