Perception of teachers and masters students from DAEA-UJAT, regarding the competences and functions which they must develop during the formative process in a postgraduate course of study


The objective of this work was to know  the opinion of teachers, students and coordinators from  two different masters related to education regarding to the functions that a tutor must fulfill; essential role so the teachers can successfully  conclude the formative process in a  postgraduate course of study.  In order to do that, the present investigation was based  on a holistic and integral visión from the tutorial action and the method of role theory  (Deutsch and Krauss, 2001). The participants were teachers, students and coordinators from  two different masters of la División Académica de Educación (DAEA) y Artes from Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco. Based on the opinions collected, it can be inferred that everyone involved and selected in the programs of this a  postgraduate course pointed out that it is indispensable for DAEA to have a training program for graduate mentors focused on the study, consolidation and development of the functions, roles, profiles, organization, curricula and psychopedagogical aspects that are linked to the tutorial action.


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How to Cite
Pérez Landero, A. E. (2019). Perception of teachers and masters students from DAEA-UJAT, regarding the competences and functions which they must develop during the formative process in a postgraduate course of study. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 9(17), 891 - 906.
Scientific articles