Innovating in university teaching: An experience of APS in Zaragoza Faculty of Education

  • Sandra Vázquez Toledo Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Tatiana Gayán Jiménez Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Pilar Arranz Martínez Universidad de Zaragoza


Within the curriculum of the Specialty Teaching Physical Education and Music Education from the University of Zaragoza, is taught a course called Educational Basis of Special Education, which, it is initially quite demotivating for students of this specialty. This is due largely to the erroneous beliefs, the perception of the same in a professional detachment with the area of special education and misinformation about it. When really the work of the physical education teacher and music education in a school is essential in many ways, for example in regard to socialization, health, communication, catharsis, to play activities, básicas1 to motor skills, in short, are areas that contribute to the need for autonomy, desires and sought for people with disabilities.From this juncture, the main idea was to innovate, creating links between theory and practice but since the applicability of content and meeting community needs. In short, it was improving the quality of learning. So, we decided to take as a pedagogical approach: service-learning, and implementing two projects: "If you learn, I learn" and "learning to be, learning by doing".


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How to Cite
Vázquez Toledo, S., Gayán Jiménez, T., & Arranz Martínez, P. (2015). Innovating in university teaching: An experience of APS in Zaragoza Faculty of Education. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 2(4), 70 - 81. Retrieved from
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