A diagnosis of the mexican university in the book: The book of the imagined university

  • Jenaro Reynoso Jaime Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México


One of the trends in studies devoted to educational institutions, such as the university, argues that research practice makes sense if it proposes solutions to the problems detected. For this research approach, the intervention in the operation of the institution can only be carried out when it is done on the basis of the conclusion drawn by the studies about the present conditions in which they work; in turn, the compression and assessment that is made of the way in which an institution operates can only be achieved after retrospectively reviewing the process that led to the state I which it is diagnosed. In this way, the imagination and development of solutions to problems detected, in one aspect or in the whole of the university, is appropriate when those who exercise it do so with the vast knowledge that training, study and professional experience they provide. Such is the case of Eduardo Ibarra Colado, who, based on his academic experience, promotes eight-hand writing of the text: The book of the imagined university. Towards a university located between the good place and nowhere, in which the authorial community diagnoses the Mexican university as an inoperative and unnecessary institution that needs to be changed by a proposal that apparently seems utopian; but the arguments lead to think of it as necessary. In this text an approach to the diagnostic concept is made, the trajectory of the initiator of the idea is described and the features of the stagnant university that should disappear are presented.


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How to Cite
Reynoso Jaime, J. (2018). A diagnosis of the mexican university in the book: The book of the imagined university. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 9(18), 952 - 978. https://doi.org/10.23913/ride.v9i18.485
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