Fast Food Intake The Power of Good Food

  • Oscar Humberto Oliva Chávez Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Coacalco
  • Socorro Fragoso Díaz Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Coacalco


Excessive consumption of fast food can not only favor the development of obesity, but it is also a risk factor for the development of associated diseases.Therefore, there are compelling reasons to create awareness among the population about what is food and what is not, what nourishes and serves the body and this is the objective of this research, to propose different ways of eating; since excess weight and obesity have become a public enemy of humanity, since they are not simple aesthetic issues, but serious health problems that can degenerate into diseases such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension.In this work, a biscuit-type functional food is also presented as an innovation. The biscuit is fortified and has an acceptance of 95% by potential consumers, in accordance with the demands of a market that demands cheap, good-tasting, nutritious and healthy treats since they contain properties and ingredients that provide an extra benefit to the consumer's health. , such as reduced carbohydrates, cholesterol and saturated fat, higher content of protein, vitamins and minerals.Keywords: excess of fast food, obesity, associated diseases, what is a food, what nourishes, fortified biscuit.Overall objectiveContribute to the objectives of the Federal Legislation that entered into force on January 10, 2011, which imposed restrictions on the products that can be marketed in basic level educational centers. In order to modify eating habits.Specific objectives • Raise awareness of the benefits of responsible consumption and, failing that, of the serious problems arising from the abuse of certain foods and a sedentary lifestyle through basic knowledge about the influence of diet and physical exercise on health.• Introduce the Mediterranean diet• Value our traditional food culture as a source of health and well-being


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How to Cite
Oliva Chávez, O. H., & Fragoso Díaz, S. (2015). Fast Food Intake The Power of Good Food. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 4(7), 176 - 199. Retrieved from
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