Peer Tutoring Program as a Strategy to Reduce Failure and Dropout Rates in Higher Education Institutions

  • Alejandra Medina Lozano Tecnológico Nacional de México
  • Carlos Miguel Amador Ortiz Tecnológico Nacional de México
  • Araceli Karina Flores Castañeda Tecnológico Nacional de México


There is a constant concern in educational institutions about maintaining high retention rates, for which requires continuous monitoring of failure and dropout rates and the establishment of strategies to support goal achievement. This study aimed to evaluate a peer tutoring program in terms of its contribution to strengthening the academic development of students at a technological institute. Peer tutoring is a strategy designed to provide collaborative support between students, based on the constructivist teaching model. This research follows a quantitative approach, with a descriptive scope and an action-research methodology. The sample consisted of 43 students who participated in the program, and a questionnaire was used to analyze the sub-variables: tutor performance, personal achievements, student commitment, program services, and infrastructure. The results indicate high satisfaction levels with the peer tutoring program. The highest frequencies were observed in categories 3 (satisfied) and 4 (very satisfied) across all indicators, with 'tutor performance' standing out as the highest-rated sub-variable. This study provides a relevant intervention strategy to reduce educational lag, by leveraging outstanding students as a resource within institutions, which can positively impact key institutional indicators such as failure and dropout rates".



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How to Cite
Medina Lozano, A., Amador Ortiz, C. M., & Flores Castañeda, A. K. (2025). Peer Tutoring Program as a Strategy to Reduce Failure and Dropout Rates in Higher Education Institutions. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 15(30).
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