Integration of 3D Printing in Technology Education

  • Filiberto Candia García Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla


This paper describes an academic experience that allows aligning competency-based education with the goals of the fourth indicator of the Sustainable Development Goals. The main purpose is to integrate 3D printing into technical and technological education to access employment, decent work and entrepreneurship. From the theory of cognitive constructivism, it uses gamification for the teaching of mathematics. The methodological design builds a bridge between the presentation of analytical knowledge (formulas and equations) and cognitive appropriation through 3D printed material. Thus, through direct observation through a checklist, the experience of a group of students was documented. The results provide evidence that the design and manufacture of 3D printed didactic material allows the systematic integration of mathematical content that students, whether they are children, young people or adults, use in daily or work activities, such as analysis and calculation. areas, volumes, ratios and proportions, as well as adjustments and tolerances.


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How to Cite
Candia García, F. (2022). Integration of 3D Printing in Technology Education. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 12(24).
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