Mexican Standard 035, Psychosocial Risk Factors at Work: A Dimensional Validation for the Work’s Relationships Dominium

  • Mónica Gabriela Gutiérrez Hernández Tecnológico Nacional de México
  • Rosa María Reyes Martínez Tecnológico Nacional de México
  • Jorge De La Riva Rodríguez Tecnológico Nacional de México
  • Aidé Aracely Maldonado Macias Tecnológico Nacional de México
  • Humberto García Castellanos Tecnológico Nacional de México


The objective of this work was to validate the reliability and statistical validity of the NOM-035-STPS-2018, specifically in the domain Relations at work. Methodologically, Reference Guide III was applied to collect data through non-probabilistic sampling in three automotive companies in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. In total, 250 supervisors responded to the instrument. First, reliability was verified using Cronbach's alpha and ordinal alpha. Subsequently, the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) and Bartlett test was performed. Among the results, the Relationships at work domain obtained a Cronbach's alpha of 0.913, while the dimensions "Social relationships at work" and "Poor relationship with the collaborators supervised" obtained values of this indicator of 0.879 and 0.975, respectively. On the other hand, the ordinal alpha obtained values higher than 0.90 in both dimensions. The KMO obtained was 0.838 and the Bartlett test was found to be significant (p = 0.000). Consequently, the exploratory factor analysis extracted the two factors proposed by the standard. These factors contribute to 79.11 % of the accumulated variance. Confirmatory factor analysis showed a good fit of the model. In conclusion, the instrument and the proposed dimensions can be used as an evaluation tool to measure the psychosocial factor Relations at work (domain of NOM-035), since they show acceptable values in terms of statistical reliability.


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How to Cite
Gutiérrez Hernández, M. G., Reyes Martínez, R. M., De La Riva Rodríguez, J., Maldonado Macias, A. A., & García Castellanos, H. (2022). Mexican Standard 035, Psychosocial Risk Factors at Work: A Dimensional Validation for the Work’s Relationships Dominium. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 12(24).
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