"Itinerant" biological collections as tools of environmental education

  • Carlos Palomera-García Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Luis Eugenio Rivera-Cervantes Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Edith García-Real Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Luis Guzmán-Hernández Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Irma Ruan-Tejeda Universidad de Guadalajara


The Biological Collections of academic institutions are repositories of biodiversity in a region in particular. Its usefulness goes beyond the scientific knowledge. This paper presents the results of local communities take a small sample of specimens of flora and fauna of the Biological Collections of the South Coast University Centre of Jalisco State. The objectives were to show people a part of the biological richness that surrounds them, provide information on species considered harmful are destroyed, highlight those that are, and to promote a change of attitude in favour of the conservation of regional biodiversity. The interest that the exhibition be shown at various local events and educational institutions in the State has grown, highlighting the potential that this activity has as an instrument of environmental education and conservation.


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How to Cite
Palomera-García, C., Rivera-Cervantes, L. E., García-Real, E., Guzmán-Hernández, L., & Ruan-Tejeda, I. (2015). "Itinerant" biological collections as tools of environmental education. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 6(11), 109 - 119. Retrieved from https://ride.org.mx/index.php/RIDE/article/view/123
Education And Educational Technology