Teaching Sport at School Through Modified Games: Teaching for Understanding

  • Raymundo Murrieta Ortega Benemérito Instituto Normal del Estado Gral. Juan Crisóstomo Bonilla


The objective of this research was to identify the ideal pedagogical model for sports initiation in the school context. The study arose from observing the way in which elementary school students are initiated into sports in the contexts of Puebla, Mexico, and Cuenca, Spain. It is based on the following question: what is the ideal pedagogical model for teaching sport at school? The study is based on the achievement goal theory (Cecchini, Méndez and García, 2019). The method used in the research corresponds to the qualitative approach, with narrative design, based on a semi-structured interview applied to a sixth semester student of a degree in physical education in Mexico, who carried out teaching practices in elementary schools in Puebla and Cuenca. The data obtained allow us to identify, in the Puebla context, the excessive use of direct instruction and repetition of technical gestures to refine the motor skills of novice athletes, in addition to the scarce adoption of pedagogical models that favor the inclusion of all students in school sports. On the other hand, in Cuenca, the paradigm adopted by the head teacher of the Physical Education course is inclusive, participatory and focused on understanding through the use of modified games instead of standard sports. It is concluded that the teaching of sport at school through a playful-comprehensive model corresponds to the formative needs of the students of the 21st century.


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How to Cite
Murrieta Ortega, R. (2023). Teaching Sport at School Through Modified Games: Teaching for Understanding. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 13(26). https://doi.org/10.23913/ride.v13i26.1415
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