Basic edilicio design: results of the 2nd cycle of formal tests

  • Continente Elizalde Domínguez Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo


This document presents the results of the second formal test of 3 technologies and 3 deb scales whose implementation occurred in phases A and B of a workshop II. Achieving a time utilization for the MAC of 100% in phase A and 92% in phase B; for the DG of 0% in phase B; and for the PrG of 92% in both phases. In addition to 49% in the Adp; 0% in the Ioe; and 0% in Ae. Results obtained from 2 parametric reviews carried out on a targeted sample, which was made up of 24 Work Folders, consisting of their respective executive drafts and presentation videos. Both reviews had the goal of verifying compliance with protocols p.1., p.3., p.9., p.2., p.4. and p.8. The folders were manufactured during the period July-December 2022 by 12 students from the 4th semester of group 5, belonging to the educational program of the degree in architecture of the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo. Therefore, these reviews and the results are considered as the deduction of a process similar to the mixed research approach.


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How to Cite
Elizalde Domínguez, C. (2024). Basic edilicio design: results of the 2nd cycle of formal tests. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 14(28).
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