Factors associated with student dropout in the university environment. A systematic review 2018-2023

  • Bryam Rafael Villegas Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Luis Alberto Núñez Lira Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos


University dropouts constitute a notable problem in various countries around the world, especially those belonging to the Latin American context. Therefore, the objective of this review was to determine the factors that cause it, which will allow future research to develop proposals that allow it to be reduced, and thereby guarantee the social and economic development of said countries. Information was searched in reliable databases, using a total of 23 studies, 52% belonging to WoS, 22% to Scopus and 26% to Redalyc. It should be noted that these articles met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, taking into account a publication period between 2018-2023. The research was based on the theoretical models of dropout existing in the university environment. This is how it was concluded that the factors associated with dropout are divided into sociological, psychological and economic. Finally, access to some articles to enrich this study was a limitation.


How to Cite
Rafael Villegas, B., & Núñez Lira, L. A. (2024). Factors associated with student dropout in the university environment. A systematic review 2018-2023. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 14(28). https://doi.org/10.23913/ride.v14i28.1923
Scientific articles