Socio-environmental perception of corn producers, due to the passage of hurricane Otis in the state of Guerrero, Mexico

  • Enrique Moreno Mendoza Autonomous University of Guerrero
  • Marco Polo Calderón Arellanes Autonomous University of Guerrero
  • Sirilo Suastegui Cruz Autonomous University of Guerrero


This article aims to analyze the socio-environmental perception that corn producers have about the passage of hurricane Otis in the state of Guerrero, Mexico, as well as the environmental, social, economic and political problems that arise. This research used mixed methods. A survey and interviews were carried out with 30 corn-producing farmers. The variables for both instruments were the social, environmental, economic and cultural factors of the people. The survey consisted of 9 questions, 6 multiple choice and three open-ended. In the interview case, there were only three open questions where the farmers expressed their feelings about Otis' impact on production, their economy and their way of living. Low-intensity hurricanes have occurred in the state since 1921, which were the first events that occurred. In 1988, Hurricane Gilberto occurred, which had a rainfall of 320 mm for 24 hours. Despite this intensity of rain, the low intensity infrastructure allowed a filtration to the subsoil and relief of the channels to the sea, in the case of Hurricane Paulina in 1997 the rainy season was two hours and caused disaster in all social areas, in 2013 with Íngrid and Manuel, Max 2017 until reaching to Hurricane Otis 2023. Hurricane Otis caused environmental problems (falling of trees of all types, generation of organic waste), economic (losses in agricultural production, materials, high prices of basic basket products), social (health problems due to the accumulation of garbage and psychological) and political (lack of support with programs to encourage the economy of corn producers).


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How to Cite
Moreno Mendoza, E., Calderón Arellanes, M. P., & Suastegui Cruz, S. (2024). Socio-environmental perception of corn producers, due to the passage of hurricane Otis in the state of Guerrero, Mexico. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 15(29).
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