Psychological well-being and academic performance in university students from the southern part of the State of Mexico
Psychological well-being is the evaluation that a person makes of his or her life in the academic, work, family or affective spheres, which refers to the intensity of positive and negative emotions. The objective of this study was to correlate psychological well-being and academic performance in new students of the bachelor's degree programs in Administration and Psychology. A non-experimental, descriptive, transitional and correlational design was used. The participants were 181 students. The instrument used was Ryff's psychological well-being, in its six dimensions: self-acceptance, positive relationships with others, autonomy, mastery of the environment, meaning of life and personal growth. The information was processed with the Statistical Software for Social Sciences to calculate the statistics. The average results of psychological well-being show low level in 34.2%, and there is a significant relationship between self-acceptance, positive relationships with others, autonomy, mastery of the environment and academic performance (P≤0.05). Between three and four students out of 10 have a low level of well-being; there is no significant relationship between personal growth, purpose in life and academic performance; in general, there is a significant relationship between psychological well-being and academic performance, which indicates that the higher the psychological well-being of the student, the better the academic performance.
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