Elasticities Bean price (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) As competitive indicators: a retrospective análisis
In Mexico, the bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) has great sociocultural and economic importance for generating more than a million jobs, being part of cultural traditions and preserving the dietary identity of the population; however, the productive-commercial structure of this legume faces problems that justify identifying whether the price of the grain associated with that of corn tortillas and chicken meat or the income of the population are the factors that affected its competitiveness. during the period 1980-2004. Methodologically, a simultaneous equations model is structured from two supply equations, one for demand and two for price transmission, a total production identity and a foreign trade balance identity. The r2 values produced by the regressions reveal no correlation between the quantity of beans produced under irrigation and the expected price and a low correlation between these two variables over time. The elasticities obtained from the econometric model classify beans as an inferior good on the demand side because they respond to changes in the price of tortillas and because they can be converted into a substitute food for chicken meat, and on the production side supply, it was identified that the price of beans produced in irrigation is more sensitive than that of rainfed, since, when associated with corn, production depends on rainfall. The results provide valuable information that allows us to know the response of bean consumers to changes in price and how it affects competitiveness.
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