Main learning styles present in Nutrition students: Case study of the Centro Educativo Jalisco A. C.

  • Juan Carlos López Barajas Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Adolfo Yakov Castañeda Navarrete Universidad Anáhuac
  • Roberto Carlos López Barajas Centro Educativo Jalisco A.C


This document presents the results of an educational investigation, in which a study of one of the educational offers of the Centro Educativo Jalisco A. C. was carried out with the objective of knowing through a learning styles test (NLP Model), the main styles present in the students of this school, as well as what are the most appropriate cognitive channels and styles that should be used in them to generate positive impacts on their professional growth. It was found that 44% of the students have a Kinesthetic learning style, in addition to it being the most ideal for them to use a discovery or active learning style, it is evident then that the imparting of their knowledge must be supported by a constructivist pedagogical theory, likewise it was found that the techniques, strategies and tools used that will mostly favor this cognitive channel are directed towards this same meaning and pedagogical currents; Within the framework of the previous observations, we can assert that the diagnosis carried out helps us provide a substantial theoretical contribution for the development of course and/or workshop proposals related to: learning styles and strategies for their identification. and the use of new strategies, tools and techniques that can be implemented in the classroom, and how to organize learning environments rich in multiple strategies and media to increase their motivation and interest in greater knowledge.


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How to Cite
López Barajas, J. C., Castañeda Navarrete, A. Y., & López Barajas, R. C. (2024). Main learning styles present in Nutrition students: Case study of the Centro Educativo Jalisco A. C. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 15(29).
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