Project Based Learning in a Virtual Environment and Its Impact in English Learning
PBL (Project Based Learning) is a methodology employed to facilitate English language learning in face to face and virtual environment. However, research reports have informed the impact of this methodology in virtual contexts only from students’ perspectives until now. Those studies that have focused their attention to evidence the impact of this methodology via diagnostic and final examinations have been in face to face contexts. With this background panorama, the present research study aims to evaluate, through a diagnostic and a final exam, the impact of an English virtual intervention based on PBL methodology on student learning. A pre-experimental quantitative investigation was carried out with a pretest/posttest design involving a single group. The sample consisted of 16 students selected for convenience. Prior to the intervention, a diagnostic exam was administered; and after concluding, a final exam was conducted. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test provided sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis. This rejection indicates that there is a statistically significant difference between the results of the two tests. The W value was less than 0.5% of the critical W value. Although the sample size was small, and aspects such as interaction frequency with course content, project outcomes, and student perception were not analyzed, the results allowed for an assessment of the impact of PBL on student learning.
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