Cyberviolence perpetrated by secondary school students Against Teachers in Sinaloa, Mexico: Perception, Incidence, and Coping Strategies

  • María Luisa Pereira Hernández Universidad Pedagógica del Estado de Sinaloa


The study focuses on analyzing the incidence and characteristics of cyberviolence towards teachers in the state of Sinaloa, Mexico. A quantitative methodology with an exploratory descriptive scope was used to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon. A 33-question survey, validated by experts, was applied to 852 secondary school teachers in Sinaloa. The results revealed cyberattacks and cyberbullying towards teachers, with 77% reporting knowing colleagues who were victims and 16.9% reporting knowing female colleagues who were victims. Various coping strategies used by the affected teachers were identified, including dialogue with students (45) and communication with school authorities (22). The findings highlight the need for greater awareness and training on cybersecurity in the educational field, as well as effective policies to address cyberbullying. The main conclusions emphasize the importance of promoting a culture of cybersecurity in schools and implementing specific interventions to prevent and mitigate student-to-teacher cyberviolence.


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How to Cite
Pereira Hernández, M. L. (2024). Cyberviolence perpetrated by secondary school students Against Teachers in Sinaloa, Mexico: Perception, Incidence, and Coping Strategies. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 15(29).
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