International Festival of MexicanMusic, anenrichingspace in the musical education of Mexico

  • Beania Salcedo Moncada Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • José María López Prado Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León


The International Festival of Mexican Music is the first dedicated exclusively to Mexican concert music; Seeks to rescue, promote and spread the music of academy, through lectures, master classes, recitals and concerts with chamber orchestra, youth orchestra and philharmonic orchestra. It is a space that enriches the musical education in Mexico and that intends to update permanently on the Mexican composers and interpreters. The main objectives of this action research project are: to improve the learning of Mexican music in the aspiring students of the different degrees offered by the Faculty of Music, to promote the creation of authors and interpreters through artistic exhibitions, to evaluate the changes In the process of learning, promoting a more agile and active teaching, using the knowledge of musical and artistic elements in the analysis of own and other artistic productions, and making the general public participate in the cultural showcase that this festival offers. Through the action research design, a descriptive study was carried out in order to study the different musical structures, the authors and the historical context of their works within the framework of the International Festival of Mexican Music. The results showed that the Festival had a direct impact on the academic enrichment of the students of the different music majors, who were able to approach new repertoire, be supervised by specialists within the lectures offered, and actively participate in concerts, recitals and conferences, In addition to approaching the soloists coming from the interior of the country. The students in the composition area exhibited their artistic work in a suitable concert hall and shared their artistic creations with the general public. Participating specialists said that this type of festival promotes and strengthens the country's musical growth, providing opportunities for national artists and music composers. It was the first exclusive meeting for academy music involving different genres and historical contexts. Finally, the non-specialist audience concluded that Mexican music helps to create inclusive ties of identity.


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How to Cite
Salcedo Moncada, B., & López Prado, J. M. (2017). International Festival of MexicanMusic, anenrichingspace in the musical education of Mexico. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 8(15), 1 - 24.
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