The Sound as a Didactic Element for the Cello Studies

  • José María López Prado Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • Beania Salcedo Moncada Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León


Sound is a basic element in the study of music and has a specific technique when stringed instruments are involved. The purpose of this study is to introduce a methodological proposal that facilitates technically the emission of different types of sound in string instruments, mainly in the cello, to achieve the sound quality as a distinctive element in the performance. For this research we used the design of the grounded theory, based on this design we used the Delphi technique with a panel of 20 experts from different institutions of higher learning and national and foreign conservatories; the type of the study was descriptive and analytical, to address the different methods and techniques cellists used through the teaching practice for the improvement of sound. Within the systematic design process, open coding was used where categories were based on data collected from interviews. The results showed that the control of the bow and the vibrato of the left hand define the quality of the sound that can be emitted by a cellist and it is achieved through specific exercises and the control of weight. The variation of the timbre and the intensity of the sound is acquired by delimiting the physical spaces between the bridge and the tastiera and finally it addresses the psychological preparation that is required to achieve the expressiveness and depth that the interpreter must project.


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How to Cite
López Prado, J. M., & Salcedo Moncada, B. (2017). The Sound as a Didactic Element for the Cello Studies. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 8(15), 548 - 565.
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