Factors of Business Permanence of the Microenterprises of the Commerce Sector of Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco
At present, the business environment is very dynamic and uncertain. Both factors have forced companies to develop and implement more effective strategies in their functional areas, focused on aspects such as growth, social responsibility, and innovation. However, the companies that are most vulnerable and with uncertainty to face these changes are the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Because, despite they represent the engine of the economy and job creation, they lack either profit, planning or competitiveness, which causes, in some cases, their disappearance or closure before completing its five years of operation. The present article has the purpose of showing strategies that allow influencing the growth of companies through the analysis of the factors of business permanence of the microenterprises of the trade sector of Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, for which was determined a sample of 181 companies and was applied an instrument that consisting in 13 factors and 47 items, finding that the factors that companies with more than 5 years in the market are focused on permanently, are differentiation, social cohesion and organizational identity.
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