School inspection in Chile: initial evidence about the regulatory adjustment of municipal and subsidized private schools
The enactment of Law No. 20,529 (2011) represents the final consolidation of the accountability policies in Chilean school education. This public policy not only includes institutions that control the management and pedagogical results, but also bureaucratic-legal accountability instances that oversee the probity of the use of resources and compliance with minimum operating standards. This investigation provides initial evidence on the level of adjustment to the regulations of municipal and subsidized private schools in inspection visits officiated by the Superintendency of Education. With this purpose, data from 226 schools in 1960 audits of the 2013-2015 period were analyzed, contrasting the amounts of findings (contraventions) registered in each year and estimating the incidence of a group of predictor variables on the probability of not presenting findings during applied audits in the last year of the triennium. The results indicate a progressive and significant adjustment to the regulations in the last two years studied. Likewise, the number of examinations provided in the first two years is a variable that favors the greatest adjustment, while a lower academic performance increases the probability of presenting findings. Based on the results, the relevance of strengthening instances of training and preventive control is discussed, especially in cataloged schools of greater risk.
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