Evaluation of the Results of Implementation of the Virtual Tutoring Model

  • Moramay Ramírez Hernández Universidad Tecnológica de Tecámac
  • Gabriela Figueroa Moreno Universidad Tecnológica de Tecámac
  • Omar Téllez Barrientos Universidad Tecnológica de Tecámac


Currently, tutoring has become an important reference in the model of technological universities. This is due to the fact that it is considered as an effective strategy to improve the teaching-learning process and, by extension, to decrease the failure and dropout rates, as well as increase the efficiency terminal. At the Universidad Tecnológica de Tecámac (Uttec), the virtual tutoring project has been developed in order to contribute significantly to the improvement of students. The objective of this study was to know the results of implementation of the aforementioned project, generated by andragogic and technological strategies to facilitate professional training in Engineering in Information and Communication Technologies of the Uttec. Regarding the methodological aspects of the research, a mixed approach was considered, since both the quantitative and qualitative aspects will be combined. Also, due to the dynamism of the project, both the inductive and the deductive schemes were used. On the other hand, the design of the research was non-experimental under an action-research method. Regarding the results of the evaluation obtained from the piloting carried out, more than 65% of the students who worked on the virtual tutoring model are totally in agreement with the results; 33% neither in agreement nor in disagreement, and 3% are not in agreement. In addition, important feedback was obtained in the qualitative part to make improvements in the project, which will increase the satisfaction index.


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How to Cite
Ramírez Hernández, M., Figueroa Moreno, G., & Téllez Barrientos, O. (2019). Evaluation of the Results of Implementation of the Virtual Tutoring Model. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 10(19). https://doi.org/10.23913/ride.v10i19.532
Scientific articles