Evaluation of oil extraction of magdalenae Triportheus and lipid profile analysis of the crude oil

  • Denilson Padilla Cerpa Universidad Popular del Cesar Seccional Aguachica
  • Jose Luis. Beleño Quiroz Universidad Popular del Cesar Seccional Aguachica
  • Rodrigo Rene Cuello Marín Universidad Popular del Cesar Seccional Aguachica
  • Carmelo Segundo Pérez Yance Universidad Popular del Cesar Seccional Aguachica


Performance in the chemical extraction of oil from the fish species Arenca ( Triportheus magdalenae ) by the prior application of two types of digestion (acid and acid - alcohol ) was evaluated through an experimental design of randomized complete block ( RCBD ) . Oil extraction was done by soxhlet chemical method ; (adapted from the method 960.39 , AOAC meat ) and the analysis of the lipid profile of the crude oil was performed by gas chromatography , showing that the two types of digestion applied produce an increase in chemical yield of the oil extraction yield better performance with acidic digestion , according to Media Significant Difference ( LSD) at P <0.05 . It was determined that the T. magdalenae , presents a number of crude oil averaged 3.23% , dominated by unsaturated fatty acids ( AGI) , a 56.77 % ratio with essential fatty acids of the omega-3 ( ω -3) and omega 6 ( ω -6) , among which the eicosapentaenoic (EPA ) , docosapentaenoic ( DPA ) and to ω -3 linolenic , linoleic and arachidonic to ω -6. The results allow us to consider as a viable species studied to obtain oils, pharmaceutical and medicinal properties.


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How to Cite
Padilla Cerpa, D., Beleño Quiroz, J. L., Cuello Marín, R. R., & Pérez Yance, C. S. (2015). Evaluation of oil extraction of magdalenae Triportheus and lipid profile analysis of the crude oil. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 3(5), 1 - 19. Retrieved from https://ride.org.mx/index.php/RIDE/article/view/56