Gender Differences in Emotional Sensitivity to covid-19 in university students

  • Adriana Mariela de la Cruz-Caballero Tecnológico Nacional de México
  • Víctor Hugo Robles-Francia Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
  • Víctor Adrián Robles-Ramos Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo


Objective: To analyze the differences in emotional sensitivity between women and men in higher education students, due to a prolonged period of pandemic. Method: the research was descriptive, transversal; using an incidental non-probabilistic sample of 257 students, 82 male and 175 female. The COVID 19 horror sensitivity survey was applied. The variables analyzed were: socio-emotional well-being, anguish, internal avoidance, external avoidance and self-harm. Results: the female gender expressed greater sensitivity to pandemic horror than the male, especially in anxiety, internal avoidance and external avoidance.


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How to Cite
de la Cruz-Caballero, A. M., Robles-Francia, V. H., & Robles-Ramos, V. A. (2021). Gender Differences in Emotional Sensitivity to covid-19 in university students. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 11(22).
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