Choice of Career and Institution of Higher Education: Validation of the Measuring Instrument by Modeling Structural Equations

  • Rafael García Martínez Tecnológico Nacional de México
  • Eduardo Rafael Poblano-Ojinaga Tecnológico Nacional de México
  • Rigoberto Reyes Valenzuela Tecnológico Nacional de México
  • Guillermo Cuamea Cruz Universidad de Sonora
  • Rubén Juárez Rodríguez Tecnológico Nacional de México


The choice of institution and university career is a variable that impacts school dropout, an indicator of quality in universities. In the reviewed literature, different models are proposed that describe the relationship of this variable with a set of factors; however, these models are not of the correlational type, so it is not possible to establish which of the factors has more weight or impact or the correspondence structure between them. In this work, a measurement instrument that is used to determine whether the collected data is adequate to verify the hypotheses that indicate the way in which the latent variables or constructs are related to the variable “Choice of career” and “University”. To validate this measurement instrument, a sample of 157 students who are studying Industrial Engineering at the Universidad de Sonora was formed. In the results, it was discovered that the following latent variables or constructs: Economic costs, Services, Image of the university and Infrastructure are appropriate to model the variable “Career choice” using a structural equation model.


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How to Cite
García Martínez, R., Poblano-Ojinaga, E. R., Reyes Valenzuela, R., Cuamea Cruz, G., & Juárez Rodríguez, R. (2021). Choice of Career and Institution of Higher Education: Validation of the Measuring Instrument by Modeling Structural Equations. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 11(22).
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