Online education and learning assessment: From face-to-face to virtual

  • Yasmín Ivette Jiménez Galán Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • Josefina Hernández Jaime Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • Eduardo Rodríguez Flores Instituto Politécnico Nacional


In the month of March 2020, the health contingency situation, worldwide and in Mexico particularly, demanded new ways of articulating the teaching-learning process to avoid the cancellation of the school year; for the National Polytechnique Institute it meant making the most of ICT. For this, it made educational digital resources, learning objects, courses and tutorials available to teachers and students for the management of educational platforms such as CLASSROOM, MOODLE, and EDMODO. In order to find out what were the pedagogical adaptations that teachers made to teach their online courses and to analyze what were the main obstacles they faced, this exploratory – descriptive research was designed that aimed to explore the perception of 15 teachers related to the design of their online classes, during March - July 2020, and the forms of evaluation of the learning they implemented. The results show that 13% consider that students in this online scheme are learning the same or more than in their face-to-face courses and the remaining 87% believe that students are learning less because students are not used to being self-taught and have a conductive learning, dependent on the teacher. Finally, when asked their perception about what they needed during this period of online classes, 47% considered that developing more digital and interactive teaching materials, 27% considered that developing more effective teaching planning, 13% lacked infrastructure because in the platform Zoom sessions were dropping the internet; and 13% emphasized that they needed more training in ICT management tools. There is no evidence that teachers made use of technology to diversify their assessment practices, by only transferring what was already planned in face-to-face classes and uploading materials and activities on an educational platform; therefore the evaluation of the learning process continues to be the greatest area of opportunity to achieve raising the quality of online teaching – learning .


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How to Cite
Jiménez Galán, Y. I., Hernández Jaime, J., & Rodríguez Flores, E. (2021). Online education and learning assessment: From face-to-face to virtual. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 12(23).
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