Academic Planning in the New E-Learning Curricular Models

  • Filiberto Candia García Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla


The objective of this work is to document in a systematic way the academic planning considering the adaptation of didactic material when making the transition from a face-to-face curricular course to a virtual one. The method used to document the experience is the case study, which organizes the sequence of activities in a participatory manner, allowing the organization of an effective educational planning. Likewise, an analysis is proposed on the satisfaction of the didactic material in the improvement of the educational quality and the validity of the online modalities under the correlation: a scarce repository of digital or virtual didactic material represents a limited reach of the objectives in the educational planning in the online educational offer of a higher education institution. The results are the development of a wide range of didactic material that allows concluding that a vast amount of digital or virtual didactic material promotes a quality educational planning, together with a pertinent determination of the learning evidence of a course that has moved from the face-to-face modality to the online distance.


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How to Cite
Candia García, F. (2023). Academic Planning in the New E-Learning Curricular Models. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 13(26).
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