Content validity of the Aggressive and Assertive Conflict Management Styles Questionnaire (CEMCAA)
The CEMCAA is an instrument designed to inform on ten styles of interpersonal conflict management in undergraduate university students: dominant, accommodating, avoidant, compromising and integrative, each one in its aggressive and assertive modalities. Although it has a solid theoretical and methodological basis in its design, no studies have been presented that provide evidence of its psychometric validity. Within this framework, this research aimed to evaluate the content validity of the CEMCAA by judges' criteria. Thirteen expert judges participated and evaluated each of the 60 CEMCAA items in three aspects: clarity, coherence and relevance. To assess the degree of agreement between the judges, the Aiken V validity coefficient was used, complemented by the use of 95% confidence intervals. Only those items that presented V values greater than .70 and that, at the same time, obtained the lower limit of the confidence interval of .50 or greater in the three aspects mentioned were selected. Results: The findings indicate that most of the items met the stipulated criteria, except for 11 items which are recommended to be removed or reformulated in future versions of the test. It is concluded that the CEMCAA has evidence of content validity to be applied to samples of undergraduate university students, except for the items indicated, so it is recommended to continue with the study of its psychometric properties in future works.
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